It’s annual Goal Setting time again!!! Yeah!!! But seriously, what’s the point? How can we set meaningful goals when the world is so unpredictable? Who amongst us, when preparing our…
Yes, it’s that time of year again when individuals make New Year’s Resolutions and companies make or revise Goals for the coming year. It seems like a good idea. As…
When I was asked to write this blog I was somewhat sceptical, as the topic is very dry and everything that one needs to know about the topic of goal…
I hit a BIG speed bump in 2019. When I went in for my routine colonoscopy back in the spring, I expected to hear “Clear – see you in 5…
As we approach the year 2020 it is very fitting to be discussing 2020 Vision. In Part 1 of this 3 part series we began with Step 1 – Understand the…
Every Optometrist’s dream – clear 20/20 vision. As we approach the year 2020, how clear is your vision of 2020 for your company and for you? At a macro exogenous…