Welcome to the challenges of your “Corner Office”! Here’s a short list: Canadian Economy (rising interest rates, inflation, risk of recession) Supply Chain (rising costs of parts and raw materials,…
Challenge Factory is back in the office. Not everyone comes in every day—a dynamic that was also true for us before the pandemic. On days when we are in the…
Here is a great leadership summary from Collin Powell’s book “It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership”. “Here are those rules for success and leadership: It ain’t as bad…
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu. The Challenge: Canadian businesses have been weathering a seemingly endless series of crises that erode…
The Doug Ford government recently amended Ontario’s Employment Standards Act. This article discusses two of these changes. Prohibition against Non-Compete Agreements As of October 25, 2021 employers are prohibited from…
By now most of us have realized that the influence of COVID on corporate business practices has been a game changer. What was initially viewed as a difficult but temporary…
Yes, it’s that time of year again when individuals make New Year’s Resolutions and companies make or revise Goals for the coming year. It seems like a good idea. As…
Sometimes hirings fail. Having been in the executive search business for over 30 years, I know placements sometimes just don’t work out – true confessions of an executive recruiter! What…
Seismic shifts in human and tech-driven innovation are affecting workforce structures, conditions, and cultures everywhere. Getting ahead in today’s challenging business environments requires harnessing a competitive edge from talent pools…
The biggest lesson learned from the COVID pandemic is that “business as usual” is no longer an option. As Einstein said “The thinking it took to get us into this…